Cookie Policy

What are Cookies?

We're not talking about the cookie you (unfortunately) eat. Cookies are text files containing small amounts of information that allow our site to recognize your device and are downloaded to your device when you visit a website if you consent to the site doing so. Cookies are then sent back to the website on each subsequent visit, or to another website that recognizes that cookie.

Cookies are useful because they allow a website to recognize a user's device and are widely used to make websites work more efficiently, let you navigate between pages, remember your preferences and/or generally improve your user experience. They can also help make advertisements you see online more relevant to you and your interests.

Our site uses cookies to distinguish you from other users of [] (our "site"). This helps us to provide you with a better experience when you visit our website. Cookies also enable us to analyze the performance of our websites in order to make improvements. Some of the cookies we use are "analytical" cookies. They allow us to recognize and count the number of visitors and to see how visitors move around the site when they are using it. This helps us to improve the way our website works, for example by ensuring that users find what they are looking for easily.

Click here to view a full list of all our cookies.

Cookies do not contain confidential information such as your home address, telephone number or credit card details. We do not exchange cookies with third party websites. Please note that our advertisers and affiliates may also use cookies (see more information below). Their use is determined by your preferences and their cookie policy. Consult the cookie policy of these parties for more information.

Please note that your use of our site is subject to and governed not only by this cookie policy (in accordance with your preferences), but also by the terms and conditions on our site, including our Terms and Conditions here and privacy here, where we inform you to ask Read carefully.

Use of cookies

The type of cookies that are placed and the preferences that are available to you depend on the functionality of the cookie in question.

Essential Cookies are essential to make our website work and keep it secure. These cannot be disabled and do not require permission to be placed on your device. Other cookies (known as non-essential cookies) require your prior consent before they are placed on your device. We categorize the non-essential cookies we use as functional cookies, advertising cookies and analytics cookies.

We obtain your consent to non-essential cookies when you visit our landing page and, unless you have adjusted your preferences or browser settings to reject non-essential cookies, our system will issue and download cookies to your device in accordance with the cookie preferences you last indicated to us.

Change your preferences and browser settings Whether you give us permission to download cookies is up to you.

Change browser settings

You can change your browser settings to disable cookies and to change the approach to cookies downloaded to your device. These options are available in different locations depending on the browser you are using. More information about cookies and how to disable them can be found here and here.

If you choose to disable cookies by changing your preferences or changing your browser settings, our website and its features may not necessarily work in the same way or provide the same personalized experience. If you delete all your cookies, you will need to update your preferences with us again. If you use a different device, computer profile or browser, you will need to re-enter your preferences.

Changes to this Cookie Policy

From time to time we may change this cookie policy. If there are significant changes, we will post updates on our website, applications or notify you by email.

How to contact us

We welcome feedback and are happy to answer any questions you may have about the cookies we use.

Please send questions, comments, or requests for more information to

This cookie policy was last updated on 02.12.2020

BeYours Limited,
Registered company number: 12345678,
UK VAT number: 123 4567 89.


For assistance, please email us at

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