Terms and Conditions

All prices on our website include VAT.

Privacy policy:
Your information is always treated confidentially. Pickup-online.nl uses your data only for the purpose for which you provided it; processing your order. Pickup-online.nl will never pass on your data to third parties without being asked.

Only the General Terms and Conditions of Pickup-online.nl apply to all transactions with Pickup-online.nl. Delivery and/or purchase and/or general terms and conditions of the client/buyer are explicitly rejected.

A binding agreement is entered into by placing an order on the website of Pickup-Online.nl and/or giving an order via e-mail.

All goods delivered by Pickup-online.nl remain the property of Pickup-online.nl until the client/buyer has fully fulfilled all his payment obligations towards Pickup-Online.nl under any agreement concluded with Pickup-Online.nl to deliver goods and/or perform work and/or services, including claims in respect of failure to comply with such an agreement.
As long as the delivered goods are the property of Pickup-online.nl, the buyer is not allowed to use them in such a way that the item is unusable upon return and the buyer is not allowed to alienate, encumber or in any other way the delivered goods. for use by third parties. If the buyer fails to comply with the concluded agreement, the buyer will fully cooperate with Pickup-online.nl to immediately return the delivered goods to Pickup-online.nl.

Complaints about the ordered items must be made known by the buyer in writing to Pickup-online.nl within 3 days after delivery by e-mail.

Buying on credit:
Pickup-online.nl can, in consultation, offer clients a spending limit with a payment term of 10 days.
If the payment term has been exceeded, Pickup-online.nl reserves the right to reclaim 5% of the given discount per product, applicable to discount percentages higher than 10% and if clearly stated on the first invoice. An additional invoice will be sent for this.

All orders delivered on account must be paid in full within 10 days of the invoice date. All deliveries are made at the buyer's risk.
Pickup-online.nl can, in consultation, offer clients a spending limit with a payment term of 10 days.

If the payment term has been exceeded, Pickup-online.nl reserves the right to reclaim 5% of the given discount per product, applicable to discount percentages higher than 10% and if clearly stated on the first invoice. An additional invoice will be sent for this.
All orders delivered on account must be paid in full within 10 days of the invoice date. All deliveries are made at the buyer's risk.

Invoices are not delivered by post, but only electronically and sent as a printable PDF to the e-mail address specified by the customer. The customer must consider these invoices as original and add them to its administration in accordance with tax regulations.

Pickup-online.nl mainly communicates via e-mail. Depending on the settings of the buyer's email recipient, emails may end up in junk/spam. The buyer is responsible for the correct setting of its e-mail recipient. Pickup-online.nl can never be held liable for problems that may arise from unread e-mails from the buyer.

Delivery, shipping and delivery time:
Orders are normally shipped between 1 and 3 business days. The maximum delivery time for products is 15 working days, unless otherwise agreed. If the maximum delivery time is not feasible, Pickup-online.nl will inform the buyer in good time and offer the opportunity to dissolve the agreement or to agree on a new delivery time.

The buyer will always receive a shipping notification email on the day the order is shipped. Complaints about late receipt of an order must be made known in writing by e-mail to Pickup-online.nl within 7 days after shipment.

With regard to the delivery of the order, the letterbox must be accessible and be able to contain at least an envelope/box of 38x26.5x3.2 cm, even if it already contains other mail items. The opening of the letterbox must have a minimum size of 26.5x3.2 cm. In the event of delivery by a parcel service, the buyer must also give the opportunity to deliver the order. If the order cannot be delivered to the delivery address indicated by the buyer, the buyer declares that he is prepared to collect the order at a collection point indicated by the parcel service.

If, for reasons within the buyer's sphere of influence, a package cannot be delivered and/or is not picked up at a delivery point and is therefore returned to Pickup-Online.nl, shipping costs will again be charged for the reshipment.

Right of return - return - right of withdrawal:
All purchased products have a trial period of 14 calendar days after receipt and may be returned within 14 days without giving reasons. During this period, the buyer can view and assess the product in peace. If it is decided that the product will be returned, this must be reported by e-mail returns@pickup-online.nl prior to the return and a confirmation e-mail must be waited for. The confirmation email must be printed and added to the return package. Articles must be returned in proper packaging and with sufficient postage. Damage or wear that has occurred to the product during the trial period or return shipment by the buyer , as well as insufficient postage, will be deducted by the seller immediately from the amount to be refunded to the buyer. If it is chosen to return a product, the full shipping costs for the order will be borne by the buyer. The responsibility for the return package is also entirely for the buyer. The right of withdrawal does not apply to companies and associations and also does not apply to products that have been specially made for the customer. Customization falls outside the Right of Return. The Right of Return does not apply to services with which Pickup-online.nl has started with the consent of the customer before the cooling-off period has expired. The "Distance Buying" law only applies if the customer and seller have not seen each other during the purchase. Amounts already paid for the return products will be refunded within 14 days after damage-free receipt of the return shipment.

If the buyer remains in default of payment of the invoice, the buyer is due to pay extrajudicial collection costs in accordance with the Standardization of Legal Collection Costs Act (WIK).

The buyer is legally in default as soon as the payment term on the invoice has been exceeded.

In the event of payment default, the buyer owes a percentage of collection costs of 15% of the outstanding amount over the first € 2,500 and 10% of the outstanding amount over the next € 2,500. This always with a minimum amount of € 40.00 (excluding VAT). The buyer also owes statutory interest on the full outstanding amount.

In the case of commercial purchases, if payment default occurs, in addition to the statutory collection costs, € 25.00 excluding VAT will be charged with the first reminder.

If the buyer remains in default with payment even after the first payment reminder and/or reminder, the overdue payment will be offered for collection to the collection agency and, if necessary, in the event of permanent payment default, the judicial collection procedure will be initiated. In this last procedure, all procedure costs will be recovered from the buyer.

The displayed texts, data and rates are communicated with all reservations. The rates are subject to change and Pickup-online.nl cannot be held responsible for any incorrect information.
This website contains links to third party websites or web pages.
We have no control over the content or other features of these sites and are in no way liable or responsible for their content.

Pickup® is a registered trade name.

Texts, layout, images, articles and other items on this site are protected by copyright.

Copies, adaptations, translations, edits, changes of all or part of this site, in any form or by any means, are strictly prohibited, unless prior written permission has been granted by the webmaster.

Applicable law and jurisdiction:

Dutch law applies to all legal relationships between the contractor (Pickup-online.nl) and the client (customer).
All disputes, insofar as they fall within the competence of the district court, will in the first instance be settled by the competent court in the place where the contractor has its registered office.

Questions, complaints or advertising:

Pickup-online.nl can be reached during office hours at the telephone number and e-mail address stated on the “contact us” page.


For assistance, please email us at info@yourstore.com

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